Unveiling Profitable Marketing & Copywriting Examples: Consulting Sales Letter Analysis

Struggling with your consulting business? One key solution is the Consulting Sales Letter From Frank Kern » Swipe File Archive » Marketing & Copywriting Examples. This article will show you how to boost your sales efforts using proven strategies.

Keep reading for insider tips.

Consulting Sales Letter by Frank Kern

A man presenting a consulting sales letter to diverse business professionals.

Frank Kern’s consulting sales letter shines as a powerful marketing tool. Every spring since 2012, it helps businesses boost their results.

Significance as a marketing tool

The consulting sales letter formulated by Frank Kern has remained a significant advertising asset since 2012. It functions as both promotional content and a lead generation medium, reflecting the significance of detailed client interactions in advertising strategy.

This methodology efficiently situates Frank Kern’s brand in the market while streamlining customer outreach via accentuating unique business consulting services.

Leveraging sales letters akin to Kern’s portrays a vibrant advertising strategy that boosts branding tool efficiency and market placement. By exploiting convincing copywriting, these letters address the targeted audiences directly, nurturing a bond stimulating response.

Hence, this procedure becomes critical for firms desiring to augment their client involvement through straightforward and influential messaging.

Annual run in the spring since 2012

Frank Kern’s consulting sales letter has been a pivotal component of his marketing each spring since 2012. This yearly event demonstrates how uniform messaging and timing can generate expectation and demand.

Each spring, business entrepreneurs eagerly anticipate this occasion, noting it as a vital yearly occurrence in the marketing community.

From its initial launch, the sales letter illuminates Frank Kern’s skillset and establishes a seasonal event that customers and potential clients enthusiastically anticipate. This consistency secures its role in the marketing timetable, revealing that timing can be just as paramount as content in orchestrating prosperous campaigns.

Comparison of Sales Letters

Frank Kern’s sales letters have changed over time. The 2013 version had a catchy tagline, while a newer one was made with Ryan Deiss.

2013 version with tagline

The 2013 version stood out with its bold tagline, “WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO PERSONALLY DOUBLE, TRIPLE, OR EVEN QUADRUPLE YOUR BUSINESS…FOR FREE?” It promised business owners big results without upfront costs.

This approach grabbed attention and set a high expectation for value right from the start.

Released in spring 2013, it made a strong impact on marketing strategies by directly addressing potential clients’ desire to grow their businesses significantly. The clear message and promise of substantial growth without initial fees spoke directly to entrepreneurs looking for ways to expand.

More recent version created with Ryan Deiss

Moving from the 2013 version, Frank Kern teamed up with Ryan Deiss for a fresh approach on the sales letters. This modernized version highlights updated sales tactics and a revised sales message that speaks to today’s market demands.

They worked together to create a collaborative revision, ensuring the sales pitch is more engaging and effective for current audiences. By combining Kern’s copywriting expertise with Deiss’s digital marketing insights, this contemporary lettering aims to push boundaries and set new standards in persuasive writing.

Key Similarities Between Both Letters

Both letters set rules for who can join and limit the number of clients. They also promise to help make more money and offer a safety net if things don’t work out.

Qualifying criteria for clients

Frank Kern and Ryan Deiss set clear qualifying criteria for clients in their sales letters. They look for business owners who need help with marketing. These owners must be ready to follow advice and aim to grow their business.

Client qualifications ensure we pick those who will truly benefit from our expertise.

This process makes sure each client has a strong chance of success. Kern and Deiss limit the number of clients to give personalized support, focusing on quality over quantity.

Exclusivity and client limit

Moving beyond who qualifies, another key similarity is how few clients are taken on. Only 48 clients get exclusive access yearly. This limited client base makes the service highly sought after and keeps it very selective.

With such a client cap, each member receives focused attention, guaranteeing an exclusive membership experience.

Promise of financial returns

The sales letters assure clients of making more money than they spend. This means selling dollars for dollars, but clients end up with more dollars than they started. The promise drives home the value of investing in consultation.

Clients see clear profit, showing them their investment will grow.

These letters lay out how every dollar spent can turn into more through smart strategies. They explain financial gains in simple terms: spend money to make even more money back. It’s a direct way to show the power of good marketing and copywriting, convincing clients that their cash will bring returns worth the investment.

Risk reversal for clients

Risk reversal for clients is a strong promise. Frank Kern guarantees double the investment return, meaning if you spend $1,400, you get that back times two if not satisfied. This gives clients peace of mind and builds trust.

It shows client benefits are top priority.

Secure your investment with our double return guarantee. Your satisfaction leads to our success.

Targeting business owners comes next.

Target Audience and Application Availability

Frank Kern’s consulting helps business owners improve their marketing. You can apply online if you want to grow your business. Learn more about it now!

Targeting business owners with poor marketing skills

Frank Kern targets business owners with strong cash flow but poor marketing skills. His consulting application is available online for those who want to improve. These owners often lack in areas like advertising expertise, branding knowledge, and sales strategies.

By focusing on entrepreneurs and small business owners, Kern offers solutions to enhance their market positioning and business development through better marketing abilities.

Availability of Frank Kern’s consulting application online

Business owners can find Frank Kern’s consulting application on the internet. The link for access is always available online. This makes it easy for anyone needing marketing help to apply anytime and from anywhere with web access.

Your success is just a click away with our online consulting application.

Pricing Adjustment and Swiping of Letter

Frank Kern adjusted his consulting fee and Mike Schauer used the letter as a guide. Read on to learn more.

Adjustment of consulting fee from older checkout page

The older checkout page listed a consulting fee of $3,860. This suggests a pricing adjustment occurred, updating the amount clients pay for services. Changes in fees reflect updates in service value or market conditions.

Mike Schauer noticed this fee change while swiping the consulting sales letter for his use. Adjusting fees helps businesses stay competitive and meet clients’ expectations on price and value.

Swiping of the consulting sales letter by Mike Schauer

After adjusting the consulting fee, Mike Schauer took an important step in February 2014. He swiped the consulting sales letter. This move shows how pieces of successful marketing can inspire others in the field.

It highlights a strategy where marketers and copywriters take note of what works and apply it to their own efforts for better results.

Mike Schauer and Call to Action

Learn about Mike Schauer’s skills and how you can join a group of smart marketers and copywriters.

Mike Schauer’s background and expertise

Mike Schauer founded Swiped.co, tapping into his six years of expertise in marketing and copywriting. His platform showcases a vast collection of profitable marketing and copywriting examples, demonstrating deep knowledge in areas like conversion optimization, digital advertising, customer engagement, AB testing, landing page design, email marketing, lead generation, and UX design.

This wealth of experience makes him highly skilled at enhancing business strategies through effective communication tools.

Invitation for readers to join a community of marketers and copywriters

Join over 15,000 marketers and copywriters today. Provide your name, email, website, and role to connect with a network of industry professionals. This step lets you engage with a community eager to expand their professional connections while collaborating on marketing and writing projects.

Networking with experts enhances skills and opens new opportunities.

Next, learn about the benefits this community offers for personal growth and networking success.


Revealing profitable marketing and copywriting examples demonstrates how Frank Kern’s consulting sales letters stand out as tools for success. These letters, originating in 2012, combine essential elements like client qualification and financial return promises to attract business owners in need of enhanced marketing.

A comparison across the years illuminates improvements and modifications that maintain the novelty of the approach. Mike Schauer’s modification emphasizes the merit discovered in these tactics for broader use.

The analysis presents effective techniques and also offers guidance in creating persuasive sales messages.

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